
Treasure Our Peace(以善为宝乐清平〈英译〉)

那天才在梦想会有人将自己的文章翻译成其他语文,没想到两、三天后就接到电话传来的消息…今天终于看到自己的作品“变成”英文的样子,感恩翻译的师兄姐! 给了我这份喜悦:自己的心得和善意可以和更多人分享…希望有更多自己的文章会“变身”其他语言文字啦!南无阿弥陀佛!威南恭敬顶礼祈求诸佛菩萨圆满自己帮 助更多生命的愿望…

Treasure Our Peace
By Wong Wei Nam

With our bodies drenched by the sudden downpour, we went home in the rain. On our way home, my wife looked out and said with her finger pointing at the grass and trees by the roadsides, "Look at these plants, they are enjoying the nourishment of the rain and are so happy!" She seemed like telling me: "We should be sharing their joy too…"

At the next stall, Ah Hui hastily added a piece of transparent plastic sheeting below his tent to serve as a curtain. I put down my brush and asked him, "Is it going to rain?" He nodded his head and said with a disappointed smile, "It's not yet ten o'clock and the crowd is just coming in…" I replied with a smile. Looking out from my canopy, I could see the downcast sky, with streaks of lightning. The rain will come so what else can I do but pack up and go home?

Sincerity is an invaluable virtue

A few years ago, I quit my editing and writing job and started a small business with my wife at an open air night market. It was tough at the beginning. We sold the handicrafts we made and even though there were limited quantities for each item, we still sold them at a very low price because we wished to share our products with more people. With limited income, we had to live from hand to mouth but the joy we gained could not be measured with money.

Sometimes we encountered sudden downpours as we were just getting ready to start doing business. We got drenched as a result because we could not get to a shelter in time. On one occasion, on our way home, my wife comforted me by saying, "Look at the grass and trees by the roadsides. They are enjoying the nourishment of the rain and are so happy!" I thought: Why don't we enjoy the shower of rain like these plants?

I felt a bit bitter thinking about our pitiful condition - getting wet before we made any money. However, I told myself: Yan Hui, a student of Confucius, lived a very simple life of having 'one meal and one drink a day'. People around him were worried for him but he continued to enjoy this simple lifestyle. I vaguely know why people of ancient times professed that "if one's mind is in tranquility, one can still live comfortably in a thatched hut and enjoy a simple meal". I realized that if we are sincere and honest, we can enjoy peace of mind despite having limited material enjoyment. However, in real life, things may not be as good as expected…

Initially, some customers would listen to our explanations of our products with a suspicious look; and some would even doubt us. I was deeply hurt and wondered why the customers would not accept my honesty and sincerity. However I still refused to turn myself into a dishonest person and tell lies.

After making some self-reflections, I gradually understood the reasons and found ways to face it. In this talk on 'sincerity', Napoleon Hill said that 'sincerity' is a motive. Before a customer spends his time, energy or money on your commodity, he has the right to verify your sincerity. If we place ourselves in the customer's position, we will agree that when we pay for a commodity, or buy a gift for a loved one, we have to ensure that its quality is worth the payment.

Good faith - the basis of an enterprise

"Hence, before launching a project, ensure that you have the sincerity. Ask yourself if you are prepared to gain reasonable profit through good service and products, or if you hope to gain without working. It is very difficult to prove your sincerity, but you must be ever ready to show your sincerity at anytime," said Napoleon Hill. I was deeply impressed with his words.

After several discussions with my wife, she decided to improve the quality of our products by fixing more expensive zips to the handbags we made. We took greater care with the sewing work to make them more durable, and offered to inscribe the customer's name or message; or even drew simple pictures on the handbag at no extra charge. With these additional efforts, we saw changes. The customers became friendlier and less skeptical, and we even received compliments like "worth it", "thank you" and "sorry to trouble you". Though we made less profit, we enjoyed the warm response from our customers besides the peace of mind for being honest ourselves. I remember what my father used to say, "As a human being, there is no need to betray the moral principles to earn a simple living." Though I am not a filial son, I would not dare to forget these words.

Gradually, the customers brought along, or recommended, their relatives and friends to visit our stall. Such thoughtfulness truly warmed our hearts, even though sometimes the deal did not materialize.

"If you know every dollar you earn provides equivalent values to the customers, you will establish your prestige gradually," says Napoleon Hill. We are convinced that 'faith' is the basis of an enterprise. If we can gain a foothold in this society with dignity, and are able to fulfill our duty and earn a living, why should we be argumentative or arrogant?

On each Chinese New Year's Eve, we always chose to start our business after the reunion dinner at home and packed up earlier to go to the temple. We would seek blessing for our parents, express our gratitude to the Buddha for his teaching and thank all for a save and peaceful yesteryear. We remained unperturbed at the look of disbelief from fellow stall-keepers over our behaviour. My father used to remind me not to neglect good relationships just to gain material profit. If we base everything on monetary consideration, we will not enjoy harmony with others. We are not saints, so we need others to remind us from making mistakes.

Benevolence – the treasure on earth

Everyone seeks wealth but differs on the quantity desired. As far as I am concerned, I am satisfied as long as our basic needs can be fulfilled. I am happy to live a life of frugality but spiritually rich and have no regrets. Since young, my parents had taught me to be happy with a simple and frugal living, and my father-in-law only wishes to see me living harmoniously with my wife, as well as, accept what I have without striving hard for more.

With such a life, what more have I to seek? I only seek to be a sincere man with ever-increasing humbleness and respect for others. I would like to be like a candle, giving out light and warmth to others. Napoleon Hill says, "Helping others sincerely will bring you to your target in life." I am convinced that I will reach my target and sincerely wish that every customer of mine, and every person I come across, will enjoy peace and happiness, and live a healthy and blessed life. I believe that everybody can reach the state of "working willingly and accepting happily", as per Master Cheng Yen's advice.

I read such a story before - Someone asked the people of Kingdom Chu in the Warring States period (about 300 B.C.), "Is there any special treasure in your kingdom?" The people of Kingdom Chu answered, "There is nothing special that we may classify as treasure, but we take 'benevolence' as the most precious! Everyone here has humanity and kindness."

I wish that while we need to earn a living through making profit, we can still cherish 'benevolence' and never throw our sincerity and honesty to the wind.

*Napoleon Hill (October 25, 1883-November 8, 1970) was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal success literature.

原载于【The world of Tzu Chi vol.8】Simplicity as a Lifestyle
(http://www.tzuchimalacca.com/tc_world/etcworld8/e3-1.htm )

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